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Hypnotists who have Influenced & inspired my work

In this week's blog post we thought we'd share the hypnotists/ hypnotherapists that have influenced the work that we do in both a stage and a therapy setting. There are many fantastic hypnotists/hypnotherapists doing some great work in the field of hypnosis, too many to mention here.

This list isn't extensive and there are many others that have done and do continue to change the way that we think about the subject of hypnosis. The names mentioned below are the hypnotists that got me started on my journey and those whose techniques I regularly use either on the street/stage or in the therapy room.

Anthony Jacquin

When I first started researching hypnosis, head hacking was the first training provider I came across. The work of the team which then included Anthony Jacquin, Kevin Sheldrake, Amit Badiani and Marcus Lewis, was innovative and exciting and it re-formed a lot of ideas around hypnosis.

Reality is Plastic by Anthony Jacquin was the first book I ever purchased on the subject of hypnosis. The routines in the above video are detailed in this book and the book is great as it breaks down the process of hypnosis. If it's not in your collection already I'd seriously recommend adding it. You can buy it from the link below:

In this week's blog post I share some of the hypnotists that have influenced the work that I do both on the street/stage and in the therapy room.

I'd love to hear your positive training experiences and influences so feel free to share in the comments as there may be someone that I or someone who is reading this hasn't trained with yet that they may consider in the future.

I had the pleasure of training with Anthony some time ago and it was Anthony Jacquin's approach that first got me started in hypnosis and took me from being someone who thought about doing hypnosis to someone that is a hypnotist.

Bob Burns

Bob burns is the innovator of a technique called 'the swan protocol.' The technique itself uses no trance, no eye closure and no altered state but, it allows direct contact with the subconscious mind. I'd heard of this technique a couple of years ago and only recently have I had the opportunity of learning the technique itself.

His template for a therapy session is very similar to the process I now use with clients and I've used the swan protocol in a therapy session for a range of different things to great effect. The Swan is currently available to purchase in DVD format and there's another DVD in production at the time of writing.

You can find out more about the swan protocol and purchase the DVD from the below link:

James Tripp

I came across James Tripps' work some years ago and was fascinated with his hypnosis without trance approach. I'd never come across eyes open hypnosis before encountering James' work and up until that point I'd believed that hypnosis was a state that you coaxed someone into by talking in a funny voice whilst they watched a pendulum swing.

James' approach turned everything I'd learnt on it's head and it completely changed the playing field for me as a hypnotist. James has many videos available online and starting out there was a wealth of information available for free on Youtube.

James Brown

I started watching some of James Brown's videos of magic and pick-pocketing demonstrations a few years ago which eventually lead to videos with some of James Brown's hypnotic work.

I also had the pleasure of watching James' talk at the UK hypnosis convention earlier this year and he has a really interesting approach to hypnosis. As it happens, I have adopted some of James' theories into my own street and stage performances and I've noticed a vast improvement in my confidence as a performer and also in the reactions of the volunteers and audiences at my shows.

I'd strongly recommend you check out his book the professional opportunist - wrongless approach as the book is aimed at removing fear of failure and seeing opportunities in everything. The book can be purchased from his website the link is below:

Nick Davies

When I first entered into the world of hypnosis, I never thought I would be learning techniques that could be used in a therapy session. Nick Davies work was first recommended to me by a friend I had made whilst performing comedy.

Nick is the innovator of a technique called BLAST which is an Amygdala Desensitising Technique aimed at dealing with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Within a couple of weeks of learning this technique I used it on a lady that had suffered a serious assault which had affected her life for many years. Within a session, she felt completely differently about the incident and she is continuing to notice the positive affects many months after that session.

I've also carried out other training with Nick and I would highly recommend his BLAST technique if you're considering in practising as a hypnotherapist. Here's a link to his website:

Freddy Jacquin

Freddy Jacquin is the father of Anthony Jacquin and he is currently making massive waves in the world of hypnotherapy particularly with regards to pain management. I did consider putting Freddy and Anthony under the same heading however, their influences on my work were in different fields and I thought that it would make more sense to separate them both.

Freddy is the pioneer of a technique called The Arrow which was developed to reduce, minimise and even eliminate pain. I attended one of the first workshops on this wonderful technique and I was thrilled with how well it worked.

I was surprised that a technique as simple to execute as The Arrow would be so effective however, I have used this many times with results that are not far short of miracles. I have witnessed first hand people being able to move with no pain after suffering from it for a number of years.

The applications of the technique are not limited to pain removal and there are many other therapists, myself included who have used this technique to remove anxieties, cravings and emotions that are of no use.

If there's one product I'd recommend it would be this one:

Rory Z

Last but, by no means least is Rory Z. I've trained with Rory on many occasions over the past couple of years as he offers fantastic courses and excellent value for money.

I would say the majority of friends that I have made in the world of hypnosis have been people that I've met at one of Rory's courses and I believe Rory is presently either the only or one of the only providers in the UK to offer a stage hypnosis course.

I've attended a stage hypnosis course with Rory and it was fantastic. The content covered everything the beginner and seasoned performer could need. Rory will be running a course next year and I'm already planning on attending.

If you're starting out, I'd thoroughly recommend reading his rapid induction book or his hypnotherapy for beginners book. You can purchase them from his website:


As I mentioned at the top of this blog, the people I've listed here have been influences on my career as a hypnotist/ hypnotherapist and they're people that I've personally worked with. There are other trainers and other products out there that you may have worked with and I'd be grateful if you could share them in the comments below because you never know they may be the next person that I train with or someone else may be considering some training so it would be useful if they were able to read your own positive experiences.

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